

genres of movies的相關標籤

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怎麼可能我現在才發現關錦鵬的作品? 「阮玲玉」這部電影應該是關於電影行業我看的最精彩的電影之一。交織阮玲玉演員的三十年代的原片,張曼玉飾演的畫面,和排戲的橋段像紀錄片一般,都是如此迷住了我。 而且這麼有詩意的攝影和配樂讓我進入一個真美卻真殘酷的故事。 🖤 How come I never watched any Stanley Kwan movie before ?!? “Center Stage” is certainly one of the most stunning movies I have ever seen about the cinema industry. It’s playing on so many genres, mingling original left videos of Ruan Ling-Yu from the movies she made in the 30s, the same scenes played by Maggie Cheung with a 90s aesthetic, and pieces of rehearsals of the actors preparing for the movie as if it were a documentary. Plus, both dazzling cinematography and poetic soundtrack make such cruel story incredibly beautiful. 🖤 #阮玲玉 #關錦鵬 #centerstage #stanleykwan

怎麼可能我現在才發現關錦鵬的作品? 「阮玲玉」這部電影應該是關於電影行業我看的最精彩的電影之一。交織...